
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Hanta virus

Hanta virus spreads in China after Corona

➽A person was killed in the Yunnan province, China. The victim was returning from the bus to Shandong province to work, he came in positive for the Hanta virus. Another 32 people were also examined in the bus. After the Chinese government news agency Global Times reported the incident, social media began to be discussed.

➽A large number of people have been tweeting out fear that the pandemic could not become as plausible as the corona virus. People are saying that this will happen if the Chinese people do not stop eating animals alive. Shivam writes, 'The Chinese are now working on another epidemic project. This hanta virus is caused by eating mice. ' In the midst of debate on social media, do you know that the Hanta virus is just as deadly as the corona virus?

What is Hanta Virus?

➠The researchers believe that the Hanta virus is not as deadly as the corona virus. Unlike the corona, it does not extend through the airways. This can be spread by the person's exposure to mice or squirrels. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 'mice are at risk of getting infected with the Hanta virus, both indoors and out. Even if there is a healthy person and they are exposed to the Hanta virus, they are at risk of becoming infected. '

➠However, Hanta virus does not go from person to person, but if a person touches his eyes, nose and mouth after touching mice, urine, etc., then the risk of getting infected with Hanta virus is increased. When infected with this virus, the person becomes fever, headache, body ache, stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea etc. If the treatment is delayed, the infected person's lungs get filled with water and have difficulty breathing.

Is the Hanta Virus Fatal?

➠The Hanta virus is fatal, according to the CDC. The death toll of infected persons is 38%. This case of the Hanta virus in China has come at a time when the whole world is struggling against the coronary virus emanating from Wuhan. So far 16 thousand 500 people have died from the corona virus. So far 382,824 people in the world have already been infected with the corona virus. The prevalence of corona virus can be estimated from the fact that the virus has now spread to 196 countries.

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