
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

" Cat que virus " another pandemic ?

 Cat que virus

👉COVID 19 pandemic is going on, there is another threat to the Cat que virus. Scientists from the Pune based Maximum Containment laboratory and Indian council for medical research (ICMR)- National Institute of virology has noted the presence of antibodies against the Cat que virus (CQV) in two human serum samples. It is a bad news for us because it indicates that the CQV virus may became another cause for pandemic if it spreads. 

👉The positivity in human serum samples and the replication capability of CQV in mosquitoes points towards a possible disease causing potential in the Indian scenario.

👉CQV belongs to the Simbu serigroup virus of the genus Orthobunyavirus. It was first isolated in 2004 from mosquito in northern Vietnam. It has also been reported in China.

👉CQV comes under the category of Arthopod borne viruses. Arthopodes are a group invertebrates animals insects, spiders etc.

👉It is found in pigs and culex mosquitoes. Birds such as the jungle myna may also act as a host.Mosquitoes of culex species also cause Japanese Encephalitis. It infects both Humans and livestock species. Humans are infected through mosquitoes bites.

👉Wearing full sleeve clothes, maintain hygenic environment around human and cattle settlement may stop mosquito production and protect against another mosquitoes borne diseases. 

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