
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Graphene Mask : Inactivate Coronaviruses

 Graphene Mask : Inactivate Coronaviruses

Recently, the researchers form the City University of Hong Kong have produced a laser induced form of graphene mask that inactivates the coronavirus species.

Graphene Mask and Coronaviruses ::

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as MIddle East Respiratory Syndrome(MERS) And Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS).

Initial tests deactivated two coronavirus species. The researches are also planning to test this mask on the Covid 19 virus.

The researchers also tested it on E coli bacteria, which showed an antibacterial efficiency of around 80%. Graphene is known for antibacterial properties.

Production :: All carbon containing materials, such as cellulose or paper can be converted in to graphene. The researches described the production of laser induces graphene as a green technique.

Benefits :: It is reusable, produced at low cost.

Graphene ::

It is a single layer of Carbon atoms. It is one atom thick. It is the building block of Graphite.

Properties ::

  • It is harder then diamond , more elastic than rubber , tougher than steel , lighter than aluminium. It is the strongest known material.
  • Lowest resistivity substance known at room temperature.
  • High thermal stability.
  • High electrical conductivity.
  • Electron mobility is high at room temperature.
  • Graphene oxide membranes can be used to filter common salt from seawater.


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